Buy wildflower seed harvested from Weir Farm meadows

What’s in our wildflower seed mix:

Wildflowers: Lady's Bedstraw Rough Hawkbit, Oxeye Daisy, Fairy Flax, Birdsfoot, Trefoil Burnet-saxifrage, Ribwort Plantain, Selfheal, Meadow Buttercup, Yellow Rattle, Wild Red Clover.

Grasses: False Oat-grass, Soft Brome Crested Dogstail, Cocksfoot Red Fescue, Perennial Ryegrass.

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Growing guide

Our seed mix loves limey and chalky soil, and does best in shallow soil that is less fertile.

They grow best when sown in Autumn or Spring.

Sowing the seeds:

  1. Prepare the spot you’re planting them by removing weeds (they’ll stunt the growth of the wildflower).

  2. Dig over the soil to buy any remaining vegetation, then firm the soil down, either rolling it or just pressing down with your hands or feet.

  3. Sprinkle the wildflower seed - we recommend about 4 grams per square metre.

  4. No need to cover with soil - but you may want to cover with a net right after planting to stop birds having a feast!

wildflower seed wiltshire

Looking after your wildflower meadow

Year 1

Most of the plants in our wildflower mix are perennials, which means they’ll be slow to germinate, and may not flower in their first season, but will keep getting stronger year on year.

  • Mow regularly to a height of 40-60mm.

  • Carefully dig out or spot treat any residual perennial weeds such as docks.

Year 2 onwards

  • On shallow and less fertile soils, mow once or twice at the end of the summer to about 50mm.

  • For wildflower planted on fertile soil, mow once in the summer, and again in autumn and spring.